A Daily Stupid Things.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Microsoft Was Not A Exception ..! 
At the starting of the 2013, the hackers is so much active with their activity with the top most websites in the world. As we have seen in the news that there may be a possible cyber war between china and the U.S. but still the china is doing well. Big companies like Facebook  twitter have been hacked recently also now the Microsoft have also accepted that it was been hacked 2 days before by the hackers. It may the from the china. 
We were so shocked when twitter was hacked also with the famous Mc'D', Berger King accounts. Every time we go on twitter we always think that we could be the next people who will be hacked. But thank god that we are the normal people and hackers left us.
Also with the Facebook  the biggest social networking site in the world has been attacked by hackers. As we know about it, it was attacked with the malware into the Facebook's staff's PC's, but Facebook is known by it's unique 'Hacker' staff, they stopped it before spreading it into the all user's account. So it's pretty safe now, but we cannot give guarantee that it won't be coming again.

Y U No Hire Chines Hackers?
As we have seen that the china is not going back down in hacking, while in the U.S. why they don't hire chines hackers to take chines hackers down. It will be fun to see that the one hacker from chine will be hacking second chines person who will be from the U.S., one will will damaging the personal data and second will be surviving it. After hacking Microsoft we think that the Microsoft won't be sparing Chines hackers.


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